Gallery Glass Fishey-fish Bowl
With Gallery Glass, your home decorating possibilities are endless.

Other Things You'll Need

  • Gallery Glass ® Surfaces - Leading Blanks
  • Gallery Glass ® Window Color™ - Orange Poppy
  • 2 oz.
  • Clear cutting glass or light table
  • Fishbowl


1. Squirt equal amounts of Sunny Yellow and Orange Poppy on the Leading Blank. Smooth and mix paint a bit with the palette knife and set aside to dry overnight.

2. Repeat the above step with Aqua and Magenta Rose Window Color.

3. Place the coral pattern under the Leading Blank with the Aqua/Pink combination.

4. Use your craft knife to cut enough coral to go around your fish bowl.

5. Cut 12 or more fish, using the Leading Blank with the Yellow/Orange combination and the same method as described for the coral.

6. Clean and dry the fish bowl. Carefully apply coral and fish to the bowl. Fill with marbles.