Who says birdhouses have to be just for birds? Turn a basic wooden birdhouse into an icy decor piece for your mantel. These houses are sure to tie your entire pastel Christmas theme together as a focal point in your holiday decor.
- Basecoat the 2-story birdhouse in Baby Pink using a flat brush. Paint the roofs with Wicker White. Let dry.
- Basecoat the 1-story birdhouse with Light Blue and paint the roof with Wicker White. Let dry.
- Using a pencil, lghtly draw window and door shapes onto the houses. Using small brushes, paint these details with Baby Pink, Patina, Light Blue and Wicker White. Let dry.
- Using a small rounf brush, paint scalloped shapes on the roofs using Treasure Gold to mimic shingles. Let dry.
- Using a large flat brush, apply Hologram Glitterific to the roofs of the birshouses.
- Using a small detail brush, paint icicles with Wicker White under the roofs. Let dry.