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Monochromatic Floral Wall Art

By: Donna Dewberry

At a Glance:

Project #14836 Skill Level: Intermediate Time:
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This project features these great brands:

  • FolkArt Multi-Surface Paint Logo
  • One Stroke Logo


Number Needed: 1 $34.99
Item not for sale on Plaid Online.

Plaid ® Wood Surfaces - Pallet Plaque, 15-3/4" x 11-3/4" - 40643E

Number Needed: 1 $7.89
Item not for sale on Plaid Online.


Number Needed: 1 $7.49
Item not for sale on Plaid Online.

FolkArt ® One Stroke™ Accessories - Palette - 1001

Number Needed: 1 $9.99
Item not for sale on Plaid Online.

Other Supplies

Paper towels, Foam plates, Medium grit sandpaper, and Tracing paper or waxed paper for practicing brushstrokes


  1. Background – Using a 3/4” Flat brush loaded with Titanium White, paint the entire pallet plaque; allow to dry.  Sand surface smooth using medium grit sandpaper.  Reapply a second coat of Titanium White for opaque coverage.  Allow to dry. 
  2. One Stroke Lily – NOTE:  Use the One Stroke Teaching Guide as a practice guide; lay a sheet of either tracing paper or waxed paper over the printed guide, then practice painting a One Stroke lily, five-petal flowers, daisy, leaves, and a dragonfly before painting directly onto the prepared wood pallet plaque. Double load the No. 12 Flat brush two-thirds full with Titanium White and Cobalt Hue; blend well.  White holding the brush vertical on its chisel edge, touch the surface.  Tap the Cobalt Hue end of the brush on the surface creating a dot.  Using the chisel edge, paint two lines creating a “V.”  These lines are placeholders marks for the first flower petal.  Keeping Cobalt Hue to the top, place the chisel edge of the flat brush directly on the left line marker. Apply pressure and pull the stroke upward.  Begin to release pressure to end the stroke on the chisel edge.  Repeat while reversing the stroke direction.   Begin on the chisel edge at the petal point, apply pressure and pull toward the base of the petal.   Create a second lily petal repeating the same stroke working from the base of the petal towards the tip.  Continue painting lily petals until six petals are painted.  Load a No. 2 Script Liner brush with thinned Cobalt Hue.  Paint four or five stamens, beginning outside the flower center, painting the stamens toward the center.
  3. One Stroke Daisy – Double load a No. 12 Flat brush two-thirds full with Titanium White and Cobalt Hue; blend well.  Hold the brush vertical with the chisel edge just touching the surface.  Begin to apply pressure and pull the stroke towards you to create a “petal” stroke. NOTE: To create a light blue daisy, lead with Titanium White, to create a lighter color daisy, lead with Cobalt Hue.  Reduce pressure and begin to lift the brush back to the chisel edge while continuing the brushstroke.  NOTE:  The brush stroke is wider where pressure is applied and thinner on the chisel edge while pulling towards you.  Paint the first four daisy petals at 12, 6, 3 and 9 o’clock.  Paint additional petal strokes between the initial four strokes using the same technique. To complete the daisy petals, paint yet another petal stroke between each of the previously painted daisy petals.  This last row of daisy petals can be painted the same length or slightly shorter.  Complete the daisy by adding a flower center with dots of Cobalt Hue using the handle end of a paintbrush.  NOTE:  Flower centers can be a large single dot or multiple smaller dots.
  4. One Stroke Five Petal Flower – Double load a No. 12 Flat brush two-thirds full with Titanium White and Cobalt Hue; blend well.  While holding the brush vertical on its chisel edge, paint two lines creating a “V” as a placeholder for the direction and size of the petal to be painted.  Place the chisel edge of the brush on the left side of the “V.”  While keeping Cobalt Hue to the top of the stroke, apply pressure and create a stroke with a slight arch shape.  Release pressure and end the petal stroke on the chisel edge of the brush at the second placeholder mark.  Repeat this same petal stroke two more times – both to the right and to the left of the original stroke.  NOTE:  Think of creating a “gingerbread man” – the first stroke is his head followed by adding his arms and lastly by adding his legs.  Add the fourth and fifth petal strokes.  Complete the five petal flower by adding a Cobalt Hue dot in the center.  If desired, paint a few trailing petals from the full flower.
  5. Basic One Stroke Leaves – Double load a No. 12 Flat brush two-thirds full with Titanium White and Cobalt Hue; blend well on the palette.  Hold the brush up on the chisel edge so that it is just touching the surface.  Begin the Basic One Stroke Leaf by applying pressure and allowing the bristles to expand in width.  Pull the stroke while lifting the brush and releasing pressure; ending the brushstroke on the chisel edge pulling to create the tip of the leaf.  Touch, press, pull and lift to the chisel edge!  NOTE:  Also, if desired, add Cobalt Hue embellishments of scrolls and tendrils using a No. 2 Script Liner brush.
  6. One Stroke Dragonfly – Double load a No. 12 Flat brush two-thirds full with Titanium White and Cobalt Hue; blend well.  Hold the brush flat to the surface with the chisel edge just touching the surface.  Create the dragonfly head by applying pressure and lightly pulling a short, flat stroke; release pressure and lift.  To create the dragonfly body, paint several short flat strokes making sure they connect each other.  As each dragonfly body stroke is added, notice the brushstroke is smaller creating a descending-sized body.  Add a tail by painting a petal stroke below the last body section.  Touch the chisel edge to the surface, apply pressure, and then pull the brushstroke towards the last body section.  Load the No. 8 Flat brush with Titanium White and Cobalt Hue; paint a petal stroke for each wing.  Touch the surface with the chisel edge, apply pressure and pull the stroke towards the body and head.  Release pressure ending the wing on the chisel edge.  Load a No. 2 Script Liner brush with thinned Cobalt Hue.  Paint two antennae and if desired, add linework to each dragonfly wing. 


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Disclaimer: The information found in each project is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed, nor is freedom from any patent to be inferred. Since we have no control over physical conditions surrounding the application of information herein contained, Plaid Enterprises, Inc. disclaims any liability for untoward results.

Important: Please be sure to thoroughly read the instructions for all products, paying particular attention to all cautions and warnings shown to ensure the proper and safe use of the product.

Copyright: All Rights Reserved. No part of this Project may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing, except for your personal use, except by reviewer, who may in reviewing this project, quote brief passages in a magazine or newspaper.

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