Make customized floor cushions with store bought pillows, your favorite fabrics and Mod Podge.
- Create a paper pattern of the appliqué you wish to make. Design ideas are endless but here are a few: modern sun, heart, star, happy face, words (love, peace, joy) or make a monogram.
- Using the paper pattern as a guide, cut out the design from the fabrics.
- Apply fabric Mod Podge to the back of the fabric cutouts. Position the fabric onto the pillow, smooth with your fingers to remove any wrinkles. Allow to dry for 2 hours.
- Make 4 yarn tassels for each pillow and attach to trim around the tassels using a Mod Melter. Attach the tassels to the pillow at each corner using the Mod Melter.
- TIP: Store-bought pillows are perfect for altering with no-sew appliqués! Look for pillows that are solid and coordinate your fabrics to them.