Select four rocks that have a flat surface in which to paint. To prep the rocks for painting, wash with warm soapy water and let dry.
Paint the top half of the rocks in pure black using the angled flat brush. Let dry.
Flip the rock over and paint the remaining half in wicker white. Let dry.
Type the first part of your sayings with white letters on a black background. Type the second part of the saying in black letters on a white background. Size the letters to fit your specific rocks. Print out one saying per rock.
See project photo for inspiration for designs and sayings.
Cut out the sayings with white type and arrange on the white side of each rock.
To Mod Podge in place, coat the rock surface and the back of each word and place on the rock. Top coat with Mod Podge. Repeat on all four rocks. Let dry completely.
Cut out the sayings with black type and arrange on the black side of each rock. Mod Podge in place. Let dry completely.
Paint details in black or white using the liner brush. Let dry.