Other Supplies
Wood birdhouse, Container for water, Paper towels, Foam plate, Scissors, Ribbon, Metal eye screw, Fine grit sandpaper, Folkart ® Paint Tools - Detail Painters
Surface Preparation: Sand any surface rough areas with fine grit sandpaper. Wipe with a paper towel.
Painting Instructions:
- Colorbook paint/basecoat paint the following areas: Flat Sides of Roof and Perch – Grass Green, Roof Edges and Tip of Perch – Fresh Foliage, Body of Birdhouse – Pure Orange
- Allow to dry and reapply a second coat if necessary.
- Load the No. 12 Flat Brush with Fresh Foliage. Paint a stripe using the flat edge of the brush, down the middle of each wood section on the roof. Paint this strip both vertically and horizontally. Allow to dry.
- Load the No. 2 Script Liner Brush with Pure Orange and add the thin orange stripes to the left and bottom of the flat Fresh Foliage stripes. Be sure to paint the orange stripes both vertically and horizontally.
- Load the 5/8” Dauber with Grass Green. Paint large green polka dots randomly around the body of the birdhouse. Allow to dry.
- Using the handle end of the 3/4” Flat Brush, add polka dots of Fresh Foliage randomly on the body of the birdhouse.
- When dry, add dots inside the larger Grass Green dots. These dots are painted using the handle end of the 3/4" Flat Brush dipped in Pure Orange.
- Attach the small metal eye screw to the top center of the birdhouse.
- Cut length of ribbon desired and thread through the metal eye screw and knot ends, creating a hanger.
- Don’t forget to sign your name. Enjoy!