Other Supplies
Old wooden end table, Rubber cement, 3”x3” Block of wood, ¾” flat brush, Stencil brush, Medium grade sandpaper
- Basecoat the table with Parchment. Allow to dry.
- Brush some rubber cement on areas that would normally be worn down. Allow to dry.
- Add two coats of Patina on top of Parchment. Allow to dry. Begin sanding in those places with you brushed on the rubber cement. Sand just enough to expose the Parchment underneath. If you want an even more distressed look sand all the way down to the stained wood in some spots.
- Stencil the scroll in Turner’s Yellow first. Allow to dry. Stencil on top of the Turner’s Yellow with Pure Gold. Allow to dry.
- Add gold to the sides by picking up some of the paint with the wooden block and lightly rubbing it onto the side letting the paint fall where it may.