Other Supplies
Mod Podge Holiday Papers or holiday themed scrapbook papers, Mod Podge Podgeable Snowflake or other snowflake shape embellishment, Bottle of Hand Sanitizer, Pencil, Scissors, Foam paintbrush, Hot Glue, Rhinestones, Ribbon, Twine
1. Trim holiday paper to fit the front of the hand sanitizer. Apply a coat of Mod Podge to the back of the paper and position on the bottle. Smooth any air bubbles with your fingers. Wait 15 min. and top-coat with a layer of Mod Podge. Layer small cut-outs
2. Trace the snowflake shape onto holiday themed papers. Cut out the shape. Apply a coat of Mod Podge to the back of the paper and position on the back of the snowflake Podgeable shape. Smooth any air bubbles with your fingers. Wait 15 min. and top-coat with a layer of Mod Podge.
3. Hot glue rhinestones to the bottle and to the snowflake. Thread a ribbon through the hole on the snowflake and tie onto the bottle. Add twine around the neck of the bottles.
PROJECT TIP: Use markers, paint or stickers to add a teach name or school year.