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Frequently Asked Questions

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Will un-mixed Mod Podge Resin yellow over time?

Yes, the hardener part of the Mod Podge Resin will yellow over time. The product has a shelf life of one year unopened and 6 months lifespan opened. Remember to always close the lid on the hardener right after each use and store in a dark area. Exposure to air and sunlight wil...

What do I do if my Hardener has yellowed?

Once Mod Podge Hardener has yellowed, it does not need to be discarded. It can be used with projects that incorporate the use of Mod Podge Alcohol Inks or glitters, etc. where clarity is not an issue. However, if the project needs to dry clear, it is best to use fresh Mod Podg...

What is the best way to clean up easily and effectively when using Mod Podge Resin?

Wipe down all surfaces while the Mod Podge Resin mixture is still wet. Use paper towels to clean up measuring cups, mixing cups, and any mixing tool which can be saved and reused on other Mod Podge Resin projects. 8.5.7

Is Mod Podge Resin food safe?

Mod Podge Resin is FDA certified food safe when properly mixed following the instructions provided with the product. 8.5.7

How long does it take Mod Podge Resin to cure?

A Mod Podge Resign project will begin drying within the first 24 hours. However, a Mod Podge Resin project will be fully cured after 7 days. 8.5.7

Is Mod Podge Resin heat resistant?

Mod Podge Resin is heat resistant up to 110° F. If exposed to higher temperatures, a Mod Podge Resign project may yellow. Note: Mod Podge Resin is NOT recommended for decorative hot plates. 8.5.7

Can a Mod Podge Resin project be decorated with paint?

Once Mod Podge Resin has been completely cured, it can be decorated or embellished with paint, markers, ink, and more. Once decorated, it is recommended that the surface be protected by pouring a thin top coat of clear Mod Podge Resin over the decorated surface. 8.5.7

Will any shrinkage occur with Mod Podge Resin?

There is very minimal shrinkage with Mod Podge Resin. 8.5.7

Is cured Mod Podge Resin waterproof?

Yes, cured Mod Podge Resin is waterproof. 8.5.7

What happens if Mod Podge Resin freezes?

Mod Podge Resin should not freeze as the product is not water-based and should be used in temperatures of 70°F. If either the Mod Podge Resin or Hardener bottles are cold to the touch, it is best to place the bottle in a warm water bath for several minutes to bring the product...
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