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Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about your favorite Plaid products? Search our frequently asked question library for answers on how to use our craft paints, decoupage products, stitchery kits, and more.

What is the best application technique to be used when applying Waverly Inspirations Wax?

Apply Waverly Inspirations Wax using the Wax Brush to work the medium into matte chalk finish paint. Load the brush with small amount of wax, removing any excess. Apply a thin coat of wax using a downward, circular motion. This motion works wax into the surface, allowing it ...

How long will it take my Waverly Inspirations waxed surface to fully dry after buffing?

Waverly Inspirations waxed and buffed surfaces will be fully dry in 7 days. Until then, keep the surface free from moisture and heavy use to allow enough time for the wax to fully dry.

Will I ever need to reapply Waverly Inspirations Wax?

On heavily used surfaces, it's recommended to reapply a fresh coat of clear wax once every 6 months to a year. It is not necessary to reapply to decorative or lightly used items.

How do I clean Waverly Inspirations Chalk and Wax out of my brushes?

Waverly Inspirations Chalk and Wax should be cleaned from your tools using mild soap and warm water immediately after each use. Work soap into brush bristles to create a lather and rinse well.

How do I transfer decorative painting patterns onto my project surface?

Place tracing paper over the pattern you wish to transfer. Neatly trace the main design lines with a pencil. Position traced pattern on project, then slip a piece of transfer paper under tracing paper. Retrace the design. Hint: When retracing design lines, you can use a dif...

What does "dry-wipe" mean?

A technique used to clean the brush without rinsing it in water. Place your brush between the folds of the paper towel, press down and gently pull the brush out.

What is glazing?

Glazing is a technique where a transparent layer of color is applied to an area. Use glazing to strengthen highlights or shadows or add slight tints of color. To Glaze: Mix 1 part FolkArt® Glazing Medium to 1 part FolkArt Acrylic color. Apply glaze over surface using a s...

What does hue mean?

Hue is a color or shade of color in a perticular range.

What does color intensity mean?

Intensity is the strength or concentration of a color.

What does color value mean?

Value is a color's lightness or darkness in relation to the black and white gray scale.
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