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NEW! FolkArt Mindful Kits

Unplug, relax and explore 6 Mindful Painting Techniques from FolkArt. Save 25% when you spend $60 or more! This promotion cannot be combined with other promos. See shipping details.

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Sale Ends 5/4/24

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about your favorite Plaid products? Search our frequently asked question library for answers on how to use our craft paints, decoupage products, stitchery kits, and more.

What is opaque color?

Opaque is color that covers the surface sufficiently so that you cannot see through it.

What is a glaze?

Glaze is a transparent or translucent layer of color applied as a wash over another color or surface to slightly alter the tone, temperature or value of an area.

What is scumble?

Scumble is a thin application of opaque color scrubbed over an area to change the tone, temperature or value.

What is the best paint application technique to be used with Waverly Inspirations Chalk?

Waverly Inspirations Chalk is best applied using a large bristle brush, like the Waverly Inspirations Chalk Brush. This helps to work the paint into all crevices and corners of your project. Brush paint on using repeated, long swiping motions to achieve a smooth finish. The...

What is FolkArt Gesso?

FolkArt Gesso is a medium body paint mixture consisting of a binder that is mixed with a combination of chalk and titanium pigment. It is used in artwork to prepare or prime any number of surfaces such as wood, canvas and sculpture as a base for paint and other art materials t...

What application method is recommended when creating a FolkArt Painted Finishes Moss project?

Dab to apply the thick paint for dimensional interest rather than brushing which may smooth the paint. Working small surface sections at a time and while Dark Moss is still wet, randomly dab on Light Moss for contrast and depth of color. NOTE: If desired, either Light or Dar...

What is the best way to clean up my supplies or a small painted mistake when I am fabric painting?

FolkArt® Fabric™ paints are water soluble and clean up is easy using soap and water to clean your brushes. While painting, if a mistake is made, try incorporating the dot of paint into the design by adding another flower or a lady bug, etc. However, if you begin cleaning th...

What is the best application technique to be used when applying FolkArt Home Decor Wax?

Application is simple using a soft bristled brush or a soft, lint-free cloth. The FolkArt Home Decor Wax Brush was specifically designed to be flexible and work wax into the porous, ultra matte paint. Load the brush with wax, dabbing off any excess. Then apply a thin layer o...

How should I clean my painting tools when working with FolkArt Pure Artist Pigments?

FolkArt Pure Artist Pigments are water-based paints; therefore, clean-up is easy with soap and warm water while the paint is still wet.  

What is the best applicator tool to use when applying FolkArt Painted Finishes Moss?

To create the look of moss growing onto a surface, it is best to use a stiff bristled brush that will allow you to manipulate the thick texture of FolkArt Painted Finishes Moss. FolkArt Shortie Brushes, are perfect for this textured paint application technique.
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