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Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about your favorite Plaid products? Search our frequently asked question library for answers on how to use our craft paints, decoupage products, stitchery kits, and more.

How do you create a french knot in cross stitch?

These are decorative knots completed after all other stitching is finished. Come up at A; loosely wrap floss once around needle. Place needle at B, next to A. Pull floss taut as you push needle down through fabric. Carry floss across back of work between knots.

How do you stitch the back stitch?

The back stitch is the same process in regular embroidery and in cross stitch. Back stitches are completed after cross-stitches and are used to outline the design area or embellish areas of a design. In cross stitch, the back stitch is made the same length as the cross stitch...

How do you stitch quarter and three quarter cross stitches?

These kinds of stitches are simply portions of a cross stitch. A quarter cross-stitch is one of the extensions from the center of a cross-stitch. These stitches can be worked from any corner in toward the center as shown in examples 1 - 5. A three quarter cross-stitch is ...

How do I stitch a cross stitch on Aida fabric?

Cross-stitches are completed in a row or if necessary, can be done one at a time in an area. Stitching is done by coming up through a hole between woven threads at A. Then go down at B, the hole diagonally across from A. Come back up at C and down at D, etc. Complete the top...

How do you create a lazy daisy stitch for embroidery or cross stitch?

These fun stitches are decorative loops held in place with a tack stitch at the end of the loop. Bring needle up at A. Make a loose loop with the thread and insert needle back in A and bring point of needle up at B (just inside loop). Pull needle out at B and insert back in ...

How do you embroider with the backstitch?

Back stitches are completed after cross-stitches and each stitch is made the same length as one cross-stitch. Pull the needle through at the point marked A. Then go down at the point marked B. Come back up at C and down at D.

Do Bucilla Baby kits come with everything I need to complete the project?

Yes, Bucilla Baby kits include cotton embroidery floss, needle and simple to follow instructions and diagrams.

How do I wash the ink out of my Bucilla Baby project once I finish stitching?

Hand or machine wash your Bucilla Baby project on a gentle cycle with mild soap and cold water, DO NOT use bleach. Dry flat or machine dry using a low heat setting. Do not wash until your project has been completely stitched or stamped.

How do you stitch a satin stitch?

Satin stitches should be close enough to cover fabric without overlapping. Refer to the Design Chart for size of area to be worked in satin stitches. Begin at one side of satin stitched area. Come up at A; go down at B. Fill in area.

How do you embroider with the Long Split stitch?

This stitch is similar to the straight stitch. Come up at A. Go down at B. Pull flat. Split the end of the stitch with the needle and come up at C. Go down at D. Repeat C-D.
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