Other Supplies
Medium Bottle brush tree, Small bottle brush tree, Extra fine glitter-Crystals Diamond, Foam 1 ½” balls, 1” Wood ball feet, Paper Doily, Hot Glue, Large empty wine bottle, Bottle cutter from local craft store, Medium grit sandpaper, Scissors, #12 Flat brush, #1 Script liner, ½’ Stencil brush, Seven-inch wooden circle
- Basecoat the circle and the wood ball feet with Ink Spot.
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to cut the base of the bottle off. Once the base is removed sand the glass edges with sandpaper.
- On the inside of the bottle paint swirls with Mod Podge. Sprinkle with glitter. Add a few sprinkles of Mod Podge to the outside of the bottle and sprinkle with glitter.
- Cut the center of the doily out to create a snowflake. Mod Podge the snowflake to the wood circle. Put the bottle over the doily and trace the outside with chalk. With hot glue, create snow drifts along the chalk line. Do not let the glue go inside the traced circle or the bottle will not fit.
- With a stencil brush, spounce Titanium White along the hot glue. Add few coats and add spounced snow where desired. Sprinkle with glitter while the paint is wet.
- Add Titanium White to the bottle brush trees to create snow. Follow with Mod Podge and sprinkle with glitter.
- Press the sides of three foam balls to create ice cubes. Spounce with Mod Podge and sprinkle with glitter. Hot glue the cubes on the circle so the bottle will fit over it.
- Cut small snowflake shapes form the doily and Mod Podge to the circle as shown.
- Hot glue the bottle brush trees and the wood balls to the circle. Add a no flame tea light inside the bottle.