Other Supplies
Plaid ® Wood Surfaces - Letter Packs - Collegiate #78046, Round Frame, 2 Wood Stars, Glue, Black Permanent Marker, Large Flat Brush, 2 – 1” Stencil Brushes
- Paint inset of frame Pure Black. Allow to dry. Apply several coats of Extreme Glitter Black, referring to package instructions. Allow to dry.
- Paint interior and exterior rims of frame Silver Anniversary, referring to photo. Allow to dry. Apply several coats of Extreme Glitter Silver to both rims and allow to dry.
- Paint “R-O-C-K - S-T-A-R” letters from the Collegiate letter pack Engine Red and allow to dry. Apply several coats of Extreme Glitter Red, referring to package instructions. Allow to dry.
- Paint both wood stars Silver Anniversary and apply several coats of Extreme Glitter Silver when dry. Using photo as a guide, draw star lines with black permanent marker.
- Using photo as a reference, glue “R-O-C-K - S-T-A-R” and the stars to the frame.