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Papier-mâché Mobiles and Mod Podge

Papier-mâché Mobiles and Mod Podge

We are going crazy over these handmade papier-mâché mobiles we found on Kim Baise’s Etsy shop.  From horses on roller skates, to ice cream cones and cacti, these fantastical creations make great inspiration for kids’ projects.  As I’m sure you remember, papier-mâché is one of the most structured but creative ways to make a big mess: a perfect craft to do with a parent. The best part is you can use Mod Podge to make projects just like this, even easier! Use these inspiring summer crafts as inspiration for all your Mod Podge creations. 

Who doesn’t love a tiger with rainbow stripes? 

I wish my cat played the banjo and wore a top hat! On second thought, maybe not. But the thought is entertaining, and so is this mobile

This one reminds me of summertime—a.k.a. infinite ice cream dreams.  

Horses on roller blades, rainbows, and narwhals: these are a few of my favorite things!   

Succulents are totally in right now, but if you don’t want the real ones hanging around the house, why not make your own without the prickly hazard?  

Have you ever heard a bird harmonizing with your favorite song? What a totally awesome idea.
Posted: 6/25/2014 10:06:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments

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