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Spindle Chair

Elevate the look of a simple spindle chair using vibrant FolkArt Milk Paint colors.

At a Glance:

#6526 Skill Level: Intermediate Time:
  • Clock active
  • Clock active
  • Clock active
  • Clock active

This project features these great brands:


FolkArt ® Home Decor™ Tools - Sanding Foam Block - 34912

Number Needed: 1 $3.99
Item not for sale on Plaid Online.

Other Supplies

FolkArt Milk Paint - Shaker Red, 6.8 oz. #38907, FolkArt Milk Paint - Pirate Black, 6.8 oz. #38921, FolkArt Milk Paint Bonding Primer and Sealer, 6.8 oz. #38939, FolkArt Milk Paint Brush, 2 inch #38999, Thrift store furniture find - previously painted spindle back chair, Brush basin or container for water, Paper towels, Foam bowls and plates for palettes, Lint-free cotton cloth, Craft knife, Medium or fine grit sandpaper, Tack cloth


  1. Prepare the previously painted and varnished chair by removing all dirt and dust using a household glass cleaner.
  2. Apply a smooth, even coat of FolkArt Milk Paint Bonding Primer and Sealer to all visible surfaces. Allow to dry approximately four hours.
  3. Paint an undercoat application of FolkArt Milk Paint Pirate Black over the Bonding Primer and Sealer. Allow to dry 30 minutes, then reapply a second application. Allow to dry.
  4. Next, apply two coats of Shaker Red over the Pirate Black undercoat. Allow to dry 30 minutes between applications.
  5. When completely dry, lightly sand the chair surface applying additional pressure along the seat edges and other surface areas that naturally would show wear exposing Pirate Black.
  6. Using a tack cloth, wipe away sanding residue.
  7. Apply a topcoat of Bonding Primer and Sealer to seal and protect the two-color painted and distressed chair. Let dry 24 hours before using.

NOTE: Remember to allow the allotted dry time between paint applications. This time allows the Milk Paint to thoroughly penetrate the surface and be absorbed.

Disclaimer: The information found in each project is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed, nor is freedom from any patent to be inferred. Since we have no control over physical conditions surrounding the application of information herein contained, Plaid Enterprises, Inc. disclaims any liability for untoward results.

Important: Please be sure to thoroughly read the instructions for all products, paying particular attention to all cautions and warnings shown to ensure the proper and safe use of the product.

Copyright: All Rights Reserved. No part of this Project may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing, except for your personal use, except by reviewer, who may in reviewing this project, quote brief passages in a magazine or newspaper.

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